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Historisches zur Erkenntnisgewinnung über die Entstehung des magnetischen Sonnensystems

Bereits veröffentlichte Artikel passend zum Thema Entstehung des magnetischen Sonnensystems

U. von Kusserow (1996/1997) Lebensweg der Sonne im Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagramm

U. von Kusserow (2013) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (Teil 1)

U. von Kusserow (2014) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (Teil 2)

U. von Kusserow (2014) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (Teil 3)

U. von Kusserow (2015) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (Teil 4)

Informationen zum Vortrag über die Entstehung des magnetischen Sonnensystems

U. von Kusserow (2014) Zur frühen Geschichte kosmischer Magnetfelder

H. Alfven, G. Arrhenius (1976) Evolution of the Solar System, University Press of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii

P. J. Armitage P J (2013) Astrophysics of Planet Formation, Cambridge University Press

P. J. Armitage, W. Kley et al. (2019)From Protoplanetary Disks to Planet Formation: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 45. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy, Springer

J. Bally, B. RR. R. Fu et al. (2021) The Fine-Scale Magnetic History of the Allende Meteorite: Implications for the Structure of the Solar

Nebulaeipurth B (2006) The Birth of Stars and Planets, Cambridge University Press

G. Belvedere (1989) Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics, Kluver Academics Publisher, Dordrecht Boston London

H. Beuther et al. (Eds., 2014) Protostars and Planet VI, The University of Arizona Press 

J. Bouvier, I. Appenzeller (Eds.,2007) Star-Disk Interaction in Young Stars, IAU/Cambridge University Press

B. T. Draine (2011) Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic MediumIntergalactic Medium

A. I. Gómez de Castro A I et al. (Eds., 2004) Magnetic Fields and Star Formation - Theory Versus Observations, Kluwer Academic Publishers

A. Lazarian, E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, C. Melioli (Eds., 2015) Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

D. Lynden-Bell, C. Boily (1993) Self-similar solutions up to flashpoint in highly wound magnetostatics

R. Kippenhahn (1984) 100 Milliarden Sonnen - Geburt, Leben und Tod der Sterne R. Piper &Co, München

R. Kippenhahn , A. Weigert , A. Weiss (2012) Stellar Structure and Evolution, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

U. von Kusserow (2013) Magnetischer Kosmos - To B or not to B, Springer Spektrum

U. von Kusserow (2018) Chaos, Turbulenzen und kosmische Selbstorganisationsprozesse, Springer Spektrum

H. Lesch, J. Müller (2008) Weißt Du, wie viel Sterne stehen? Wie das Licht in die Welt kommt C. Bertelsmann Verlag, München

J. J. Lissauer, I. de Pater I (2019) Fundamental Planetary Science – Physics, Chemistry and Habitability, Cambridge University Press
Mestel L (1999) Stellar Magnetism, Larendon Press, Oxford

M. Perryman (2018) The Exoplanet Handbook, Cambridge University Press

M. Pessah, O. Gressel (Eds., 2017) Formation, Evolution, and Dynamics of Young Solar Systems, Springer

Protostars and Planets VII Chapters (2023)

L. Ramirez (2010) Astrophysics of Planet Formation

B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, K. Keil (Eds., 2007) Protostars and Planets V

N. S. Schulz (2012) The Formation and Early Evolution of Stars - From Dust to Stars and Planets, Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

M. Scholz (2014) Planetologie extrasolarer Planeten, Springer Spektrum

K. G. Strassmeier (1997) Aktive Sterne - Laboratorien der solaren Astrophysik, SpringerWienNewYork

K. G. Strassmeier, A. G. Kosovichec, J. E. Beckmann (2009) Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Cambridge University Press

K. Tsinganos (2009) Protostellar Jets in Context, Springer

R. Wielebinski, R. Beck R (Eds., 2005) Cosmic Magnetic Fields, Springer

M. Woolfson (2014) Formation of the Solar System, The: Theories Old and New (2nd Edidtion), Imperial College Press (Content)

J. B. Zirker (2009) The Magnetic Univers - The Elusive Traces of an Invisible Force, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore


Artikel und Vorträge


U. von Kusserow, H. Mikelskis (2002) Vom Technischen Generator zum Kosmischen Dynamo - Elemente einer didaktischen Aufbereitung

U. von Kusserow, H. Mikelskis (2003) Weltraumwetter - Unterricht über Kosmische Magnetfelder

U. von Kusserow (2000) Lernen über Kosmische Magnetfelder (Teil 1)

U. von Kusserow (2000) Lernen über Kosmische Magnetfelder (Teil 2)

Bedeutung kosmischer Magnetfelder

To B or Not To B - Über die Bedeutung kosmischer Magnetfelder (Nachrichten der Olbers-Gesellschaft 193, 2001)

D. Jewitt (2024) Non-Gravitational Forces in Planetary Systems


E. N. Mansbach et al. (2024) Evidence for Magnetically‐Driven Accretion in the Distal Solar System

P. C. Myers, I. W. Stephens, S. Coudé (2023) Most-Likely DCF Estimates of Magnetic Field Strength

Star Formation (Overview) - Sternbildung (Überblick)

R. Kuruwita, Ł. Tychoniec, C. Federrath (2024) Star Formation

Galaktische Magnetfelder

M. S. Akshaya, T. Hoang (2024) Magnetic Field at the Galactic Centre from Multi-Wavelength Dust Polarization

R. Arora et al. (2023) The role of magnetic fields in disc galaxies: spiral arm instability

R. Beck (2015) Magnetic Fields in Galaxies

R. Beck et al. (2019) Synthesizing Observations and Theory to Understand Galactic Magnetic Fields: Progress and ChallengesGalactic Magnetic Fields: Progress and Challenges

H. Beuther et al. (2023) Density distributions, magnetic field structures and fragmentation in high-mass star formation

A. Botteon et al. (2022) Magnetic fields and relativistic electrons fill entire galaxy cluster

F. Boulanger (2016)  Planck view at Galactic magnetic fields

A. Brandenburg, E. Ntormousi (2022) Galactic Dynamos

L. Chamandy, R. G. Nazareth, G. Santhosh (2023) Galactic magnetic fields I. Theoretical model and scaling relations

Y. Choi et al. (2024) The JCMT BISTRO Survey:The Magnetic Fields of the IC 348 Star-forming Region

COSPAR Colloquia Series (2001) Interstellar Magnetic Field

L. Davis, J. L. Greenstein (1951) The Polarization of Starlight by Aligned Dust Grains

Y. Doi et al. (2024) Tomographic Imaging of the Sagittarius Spiral Armʼs Magnetic Field Structure

A. Elias-López, F. Del Sordo1, D. Viganò (2023) Vorticity and magnetic dynamo from subsonic expansion waves

ESA (2014) Planck takes magnetic fingerprint of our Galaxy

J. E. Geach et al. (2023) Polarized thermal emission from dust in a galaxy at redshift 2.6

E. Girma, R. Teyssier (2023) A new star formation recipe for magneto-hydrodynamics simulations of galaxy formation

G. Granda-Muñoz, E. Vázquez-Semadeni, G. C. Gómez (2024) The physical mechanism behind magnetic field alignment in interstellar clouds

J. D. Green et al. (2024)Why are (almost) all the protostellar outflows aligned in Serpens Main?

G. Heald et al. (2024) Magnetism Science with the Square Kilometre Array

N. P. Herrington, C. L. Dobbs, T. J. R. Bending (2024) Magnetic fields in star forming environments: how does field strength affect gas on spiral arm and cloud scales?

T. Hoang, B. Truong (2023) Probing 3D magnetic fields using thermal dust polarization and grain alignment theory

T. Hoang et al. (2024) Spin-Polarized Electrons from Magnetically Aligned Grains and Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Effects of Cosmic Rays in Protostellar Environments

P. F. Hopkins et al. (2023) What Causes The Formation of Disks and End of Bursty Star Formation?

Y. Hu, A. Lazarian (2023) Mapping the Galactic Magnetic Field Orientation and Strength in Three Dimensions

R. Kashiwagi, K.i Iwasaki, K. Tomisaka (2024)Instability and Evolution of Shocked Clouds Formed by Orthogonal Collisions between Magnetized Filamentary Molecular Clouds

S. Kong et al. (2024) Filamentary Molecular Cloud Formation via Collision-induced Magnetic Reconnection in Cold Neutral Medium

N. Ledos et al. (2024) Magnetising galaxies with cold inflows

M. Liu, Y. Hu, A. Lazarian (2023) Magnetic Fields and Velocity Gradients in L1551: The Role of Stellar Feedback

Y. K. Ma et al. (2023) H I filaments as potential compass needles? Comparing the magnetic field structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud to the orientation of GASKAP-Hi

S. Manna, S. Roy (2023) Magnetic Fields, Star Formation Rates and Gas Densities at Sub-kpc Scales in a Pilot Sample of Nearby Galaxies

S. Moon et al. (2023) Effects of Magnetic Fields on Gas Dynamics and Star Formation in Nuclear Rings

MPIA (2022) Inner view of the Milky Way’s magnetic field shows spiral structure

N. B. Ngoc et al. (2024) B-fields And dust in interstelLar fiLAments using Dust POLarization (BALLAD-POL): II. Testing the Radiative Torque Paradigm in Musca and OMC-1

T. J. O'Neill et al. (2024) A 3D Model of the Local Bubble's Magnetic Field: Insights from Dust and Starlight Polarization

X. Pan et al. (2024) Magnetic field in mini starburst complex Sgr B2

V. Pelgrims1, J.F. Macías-Pérez1, F. Ruppin (2021) Galactic magnetic field reconstruction using the polarized diffuse Galactic emission: Formalism and application to Planck data

Planck Collaboration (2016) Planck intermediate results. XLII. Large-scale Galactic magnetic fields

Y. Qazi et al. (2024) Non-linear magnetic buoyancy instability and galactic dynamos

G. Sabatini, S. Bovino, E. Redaelli (2023) First ALMA maps of cosmic ray ionisation rate in high-mass star-forming regions

P. Sanhueza et al. (2024) Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR). V. The Magnetic Field at the Onset of High-mass Star Formation

T. Schmaltz, Y. Hu, A. Lazarian (2023) Velocity Gradient and Stellar Polarization: Magnetic Field Tomography towards the L1688 Cloud

A. Seta, C. Federrath (2021) Turbulent dynamo in the two-phase interstellar medium

A. Seta (2024) Turbulent Dynamo and Magnetic Fields in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium

B. Shane et bal. (2024) Tracing 3-D Magnetic Field Structure Using Dust Polarization and the Zeeman Effect

I. W. Stephens (2020) Magnetic Fields in Galactic Star Formation

I. W. Stephens (2022) The Magnetic Field in the Milky Way Filamentary Bone G47

B. Truong, T. Hoang (2024) Probing 3D magnetic fields using starlight polarization and grain alignment theory

A. Tsouros et al. (2023) Reconstructing Galactic magnetic fields from local measurements for backtracking ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

D. J. Whitworth et al. (2024) On the relation between magnetic field strength and gas density in the interstellar medium: A multiscale analysis

D. Yar-Mukhamedov (2015) Modelling Galaxy Evolution in the Era of ALMA and SKA

L. A. Zapata et bal. (2024) Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR) IV: Tracing the Magnetic Fields in the O-type protostellar system IRAS 16547−4247

M. Zhao et al. (2024) Magnetic Field of Molecular Gas Measured with the Velocity Gradient Technique II: Curved Magnetic Field in kpc-Scale Bubble of NGC\,628

Staubpartikel im Magnetfeld

B. G. Andersson () Dust Grain Alignment in the Interstellar Medium

N. C. Giang (2022) Physical Modeling of Dust Polarization from Magnetically Enhanced Radiative Torque (MRAT) Alignment in Protostellar Cores with POLARIS

T. Hoang (2022) Effects of grain alignment with magnetic fields on grain growth and the structure of dust aggregates

J. E. Vaillancourt, B. - G. Andersson, A. Lazarian (2014) Dust Grain Alignment in the Interstellar Medium

D. Xu, C.-Y. Law, J. C. Tan (2022) Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict Magnetic Fields Directions in Turbulent Clouds

Staub und Polarisation

L. N. Tram et al. (2024)Grain Alignment and Dust Evolution Physics with Polarisation (GRADE-POL). I. Dust Polarisation Modelling for Isolated Starless Cores

Magnetisierte Interstellare Materie in Molekül- und Staubwolken, bei der Sternbildung

D. Abe, T. Inoue, S-i. Inutsuka (2023) Growth of Massive Molecular Cloud Filament by Accretion Flows I: Slow Shock Instability v.s. Ambipolar Diffusion

S. M. Appel et al. (2023) What Sets the Star Formation Rate of Molecular Clouds? The Density Distribution as a Fingerprint of Compression and Expansion Rates

C. Benoît (2011) Early stages of protostellar collapse

I. Bešlić et al. (2024) The magnetic field in the Flame nebula

N. Brucy et al. (2023) Large-scale turbulent driving regulates star formation in high-redshift gas-rich galaxies II: Influence of the magnetic field and the turbulent compressive fraction

V. Camacho et al. (2022) The kinetic and magnetic energy budget of hub-filament systems during the gravitational fragmentation of molecular clouds

M. Chun-Yuan Chen et al. (2024) Filament Accretion and Fragmentation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud

Y. Cheng (2022) The Disk Population in a Distant Massive Protocluster

M. Chevance et al. (2020) The Molecular Cloud Lifecycle

M. Chevance et al. (2022) The Life and Times of Giant Molecular Clouds

D. T. Chuss (2019 ) HAWC+/SOFIA Multiwavelength Polarimetric Observations of OMC-1

J. Dhandha, Z. Faes, R. J. Smith (2023) Decaying turbulence in molecular clouds: how does it affect filament networks and star formation?

ESA (2019) Orion A in infrared

James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (2018) First observations of the magnetic field inside the Pillars of Creation: Results from the BISTRO survey

R. M. Crutcher (2012) Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds

R. C. Fleck, F. O. Clark (1981) A turbulent origin for the rotation of molecular clouds

R. R. Fu et al. (2021) The Fine-Scale Magnetic History of the Allende Meteorite: Implications for the Structure of the Solar Nebula

S. Fukaya et al. (2022) Twisted magnetic field in star formation processes of L1521 F revealed by submillimeter dual band polarimetry using James Clerk Maxwell Telescopedual band polarimetry using James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

S. Ganguly et al. (2023) Unravelling the structure of magnetised molecular clouds with SILCC-Zoom: sheets, filaments and fragmentation

N. C. Giang et al. (2022) Physical Modeling of Dust Polarization from Magnetically Enhanced Radiative Torque (MRAT) Alignment in Protostellar Cores with POLARIS

G. C. Gómez, E. Vázquez-Semadeni, M Zamora-Avilés (2018) The magnetic field structure in molecular cloud filaments

V. J. M. Le Gouellec, A. J. Maury, C. L. H. Hull (2022) Physical conditions for dust grain alignment in Class 0 protostellar cores I. Observations of dust polarization and molecular irradiation tracersprotostellar cores I. Observations of dust polarization and molecular irradiation tracers

V. J. M. Le Gouellec et al. (2023) The origin of dust polarization in the Orion Bar

Q. - L. Gu et al. (2024) The magnetic field in colliding filaments G202.3+2.5

Q. - L. Gu et al. (2024) The magnetic field in quiescent star-forming filament G16.96+0.27

S. Gupta et al. (2024) Magnetic fields on different spatial scales of the L328 cloud

C. Heiles, R. Crutcher (2005) Magnetic Fields in Diffuse H I and Molecular Clouds

P. Hennebelle1, U. Lebreuilly (2023) On the propagation of Alfvén waves in the dusty interstellar medium - Can we neglect dust inertia in molecular clouds?

S. Hubrig et al. (2023) Are magnetic fields universal in O-type multiple systems?

A. Hujeirat (1998) Ambipolar diffusion in star-forming clouds

R. Hix, C. - C. He, M. Ricotti (2022) Bimodal Star Formation in Simulations of Strongly Magnetized Giant Molecular Clouds

N. P. Herrington, C. L. Dobbs, T. J. R. Bending (2023) The role of previous generations of stars in triggering star formation and driving gas dynamics

Y. Hu , A. Lazarian (2022) Characterizing three-dimensional magnetic field, turbulence, and self-gravity in the star-forming region L1688

J. Hwang et al. (2023) Magnetic fields in the Horsehead Nebula

D. A. Kim et al. (2023) The Kinematic Structure of Magnetically Aligned HI Filaments

P. M. Koch et al. (2022) A Multi-Scale Picture of Magnetic Field and Gravity from Large-Scale Filamentary Envelope to Core-Accreting Dust Lanesin the High-Mass Star-Forming Region W51

M. Kounkel (2018) VLBA Observations of Strong Anisotripic Radio Scattering Toward the Orion Nebula

R. B. Larson (1993) The Evolution of Molecular Clouds

A. Lazarian (1993) Magnetic Field Generation within Molecular Clouds

N. Lê et al. (2024) Mapping and characterizing magnetic fields in the Rho Ophiuchus-A molecular cloud with SOFIA/HAWC+

U. Lebreuilly et al. (2022) Protostellar collapse simulations in spherical geometry with dust coagulation and fragmentation

M. Lei, S. E. Clark (2023) A New Constraint on the Relative Disorder of Magnetic Fields between Neutral ISM Phases

Z. Lei et al. (2024) Formation Mechanism of Laser-Driven Magnetized "Pillars of Creation"

E. H. Levy (1978) Magnetic field in the primitive solar nebula

S. - J. Lin et al. (2023) Magnetic fields of the starless core L 1512

S. Van Loo, T. W. Hartquist, S. A. E. G. Falle (2012) Magnetic Fields and Star Formation

X. Lu et al. (2023) Magnetic Fields in the Central Molecular Zone Influenced by Feedback and Weakly Correlated with Star Formation

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2016) The secret life of the Orion nebula - The interplay of magnetic fields and gravitation in the gas cloud lead to the birth of new stars

R. Mazzei et al. (2023) Relative Alignment Between Magnetic Fields and Molecular Gas Structure in Molecular Clouds

R. Mignon-Risse, M. González, B. Commerçon (2023) The role of magnetic fields in the formation of multiple massive stars

H. - B. Li (2021) Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds - Observation and Interpretation

H. - B. Li (2022) The Link between Magnetic Fields and Cloud/Star Formation

Z. - A. Li et al. (2014) The Earliest Stages of Star and Planet Formation: Core Collapse, and the Formation of Disks and Outflows

A. J. Van Marle et al. (2019) Three-dimensional simulations of non-resonant streaming instability and particle acceleration near non-relativistic astrophysical shocks

S. Meingast et al. (2023) VISIONS: the VISTA Star Formation Atlas - I. Survey overview

L. Mestel, L. Spitzer, Jr (1956) Star Formation in Magnetic Dust CloudsStar Formation in Magnetic Dust Clouds

M. Monaci1 et al. (2023) Shear, writhe and filaments: turbulence in the high latitude molecular cloud MBM 40

N. B. Ngoc et al. (2023) B-fields And dust in interstelLar fiLAments using Dust POLarization (BALLAD-POL): I. The massive filament G11.11-0.12 observed by SOFIA/HAWC+

S. Nozaki1, M. N. Machida (2022) Environmental Effects of Star-Forming Cores on Mass Accretion RateAccretion Rate

J. Liu, Q. Zhang, K. Qiu (2022) Magnetic field properties in star formation: a review of their analysis methods and interpretationinterpretation

Y. Min Seo et al. (2021) Probing Polarization and the Role of Magnetic Fields in Cloud Destruction in the Keyhole Nebula

P. C. Myers, S. Basu (2021) Magnetic Properties of Star-forming Dense Cores

J. M. Oliveira (2008) Star Formation in the Eagle Nebula

NRAO (2015) Twisted Magnetic Fields Give New Insights on Star Formation

S. Paron (2023) Interstellar medium and star formation

K. Pattle et al. (2018) First observations of the magnetic field inside the Pillars of Creation: Results from the BISTRO survey

K. Pattle et al. (2022) Magnetic fields in star formation: from clouds to cores

J. P. Perry et al. (2024) The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The magnetised evolution of star-forming cores in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud interpreted using Histograms of Relative Orientation

Planck Collaboration: P. A. R. Ade et al. (2016) Planck intermediate results XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds

T.-E. Rathjen et al. (2024) SILCC -- VIII: The impact of far-ultraviolet radiation on star formation and the interstellar medium

T. Roychowdhury et al. (2024) A Survey of Magnetic Field Properties in Bok Globules

P. Saha et al. (2024) Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR): Unveiling an Hourglass Magnetic Field in G333.46-0.16 using ALMA

R. Sanders (2006) Astronomers find magnetic Slinky in Orion

T. Schmaltz, Y. Hu, A. Lazarian (2022) Parallel and Perpendicular Alignments of Velocity Gradient and Magnetic Field observed in the Molecular Clouds L1478 and L1482

T. Schmaltz, Y. Hu, A. Lazarian (2023) Velocity Gradient and Stellar Polarization: Magnetic Field Tomography towards the L1688 Cloud

A. Schneeberger et al. (2023) Evolution of the reservoirs of volatiles in the protosolar nebula

S. Scibelli et al. (2023) 3D Radiative Transfer Modelling and Virial Analysis of Starless Cores in the B10 Region of the Taurus Molecular Cloud

J, M Seo et al. (2021) Probing Polarization and the Role of Magnetic Fields in Cloud Destruction in the Keyhole Nebula

SkyTechDaily (2022) ALMA Discovers a Weak and Wildly Disorganized Magnetic Field Near a Protostar

A. Soam et al. (2024) Turbulence and Magnetic Fields in Star Formation

J. D. Soler, A. Bracco, A. Pon (2018) The magnetic environment of the Orion-Eridanus superbubble as revealed by Planck

K. Sukitani (2007) Near-Infrared Polarimetry of the Eagle Nebula (M16)

F. S. Tabatabaei et al. (2024) Unveiling the role of magnetic fields in a filament accreting onto a young protocluster

K. Tachihara et al. (2024) Internal 1000 AU-scale Structures of the R CrA Cluster-forming Cloud -- I: Filamentary Structures

M. Tahani et al. (2020) Magnetic Fields Associated with Filamentary Molecular Clouds - A New Method

M. Tahani et al. (2022) Orion A's complete 3D magnetic field morphology

M. Tahani (2022) Three-dimensional magnetic fields of molecular cloudsmolecular clouds

D. Tapinassi et al. (2024) Magnetic field dragging in filamentary molecular clouds

Y. Tsukamoto et al. (2022) The role of magnetic fields in the formation of protostars, disks, and outflows

M. Unger, G. Farrar (2023) The Coherent Magnetic Field of the Milky Way

J. - W. Wang et al. (2024) Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-Mass Star-Forming Region NGC2264 : Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations

B, P. Weiss, X. - N. Bai, R. R. Fu (2021) History of the solar nebula from meteorite paleomagnetism

J. Wu et al. (2024) A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-Shaped Filament as Revealed by JCMT BISTRO survey

J. Wurster, Z.-Y. Li (2018) The Role of Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Protostellar Discs

J. Wurster, M. R. Bate, D. J. Price (2018) On the origin of magnetic fields in stars

H. - W. Yen et al. (2024) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) XV: Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) XV: Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks

J. Wurster et al. (2022) On the origin of magnetic fields in stars II: The effect of numerical resolution

Parker Instabilität

D. Tharakkal et al. (2023) Steady states of the Parker instability: the effects of rotation


J. Rawlings, E. Keto, P. Caselli (2024) Quasi-equilibrium chemical evolution in starless cores


K. H. Yuen et al. (2024) Neutral hydrogen filaments in interstellar media: Are they physical?


M. - L. Aru et al. (2024) Kaleidoscope of irradiated disks: MUSE observations of proplyds in the Orion Nebula Cluster I. Sample presentation and ionization front sizes

A. Garufi et al. (2024) The SPHERE view of the Taurus star-forming region - The full census of planet-forming disks with GTO and DESTINYS programs

C. Ginski et al. (2024) The SPHERE view of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region

P. - G. Valegård et al. (2023) Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): The SPHERE view of the Orion star-forming region

Ursprung und Entwicklung Multipler Systeme

R. Mignon-Risse, M. González, B. Commerçon (2023) The role of magnetic fields in the formation of multiple massive stars

S. S. R. Offner et al. (2022) The Origin and Evolution of Multiple Star Systems

Teilchenwechselwirkungen und Strahlungsprozesse

B. Popescu Braileanu, R. Keppens (2024) Radiative loss and ion-neutral collisional effects in astrophysical plasmas

Magnetische Jeans Masse und die Sternentstehung 

R. Banerjee (2016) Collapse of Gas Cores

E. Bertram et al. (2011) Statistical analysis of the mass-to-flux ratio in turbulent cores: effects of magnetic field reversals and dynamo amplification

J. Braithwaite (2012) On the magnetic flux problem in star formation

R. Klessen (2011) Star Formation

R. B. Larson (2003) The physics of star formation

J. Liu, Q. Zhang, K. Qiu (2022) Magnetic field properties in star formation: a review of their analysis methods and interpretation

C. F. McKee, I. C. Ostriker (2007) Theory of star formation 

L. Mestel (1992) Magnetic Effects in Clouds

L. Mestel, L. Spitzer (1956) Star Formation in Magnetic Dust Clouds

T. Nakano (1981) Fundamental Processes in Star Formation

E. Nazari et al. (2017) Post-Newtonian Jeans Mass

B. Reipurth (Hrsg., 2020) The Star Formation Newsletter

D. Schleicher (2011) Star formation now and then: The role of magnetic fields


H. Beuther, R. Kuiper, M. Tafalla (2025) Star formation from low to high mass: A comparative view

Protostellare Kerne, Protosternentstehung

A. A. Ahmad et al. (2024) Formation of low mass protostars and their circumstellar disks

N. Añez-López et al. (2024)Signatures of magnetic braking in Class 0 protostars ? Exploring the gas kinematics in magnetized models of low-mass star formation

V. Cabedo et al. (2022) Magnetically regulated collapse in the B335 protostar? II. Observational constraints on gas ionization and magnetic field coupling

D.V. Dmitriev et al. (2023) Magnetospheric accretion at the late phases of the Pre-Main-Sequence evolution. The case of RZ Psc

L. Gehrig et al. (2022) The influence of metallicity on a combined stellar and disk evolution

B. Huang et al. (2024) The Class 0 protostars in Orion: Characterizing the properties of their magnetized envelopes

C: L. H. Hull (2017) Unveiling the Role of the Magnetic Field at the Smallest Scales of Star Formation

R. Kayser (2016) Magnetfelder beschleunigen Sternentstehung

E. Keto (2007) The Formation of Massive Stars: Accretion, Disks, and the Development of Hypercompact H II Regions

S. Khaibrakhmanov et al. (2022) Simulations of the isothermal collapse of magnetic rotating protostellar clouds

M. R. Krumholz, C. Federrath (2019) The Role of Magnetic Fields in Setting the Star Formation Rate and the Initial Mass Function

U. v. Kusserow (2013) Sternentwicklung und Magnetfelder

H.-b. Li et al. (2014) The Link between Magnetic Fields and Cloud/Star Formation

S. P. Littlefair (2013) Angular momentum evolution of young stars

S. J. Mathew, C. Fedrrath, A. Seta (2022) The role of the turbulence driving mode for the Initial Mass FunctionThe role of the turbulence driving mode for the Initial Mass Function

A. J. Maury et al.(2018) Magnetically regulated collapse in the B335 protostar? I. ALMA observations of the polarized dust emission

S. Moon, E. C. Ostriker (2024) Prestellar Cores in Turbulent Clouds I. Numerical Modeling and Evolution to Collapse

S. Moon, E. C. Ostriker (2024) Prestellar Cores in Turbulent Clouds II. Properties of Critical Cores

MPI für Radiosastronomie (2020) Magnetische Gasströme füttern einen jungen Sternhaufen

Victor Réville et al. (2014) The influence of the magnetic topology on the braking of sun-like stars

K. E. Sadanari et al. (2022) Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the first star formation: the effect of ambipolar diffusion

D. J. Seifried (2012) Magnetic fields during the early phase of massive star formation

M. Starr (2021) This Jaw-Dropping Simulation Gives Us Our Best Look Yet at baby Stars Being Born

F. S. Tabatabaei et al. (2023) The Kinematics of the Magnetised Protostellar core IRAS15398-3359

M. T. Valdivia-Mena et al. (2023) Flow of gas detected from beyond the filaments to protostellar scales in Barnard 5

N. Vaytet et al. (2018) Protostellar birth with ambipolar and ohmic diffusion

Alison K. Young et al. (2023) Insights into the first and second hydrostatic core stages from numerical simulationsInsights into the first and second hydrostatic core stages from numerical simulations

H. Zinnecker, H. W. Yorke (2007) Toward Understanding Massive Star Formation

Protostellare Hüllen

B. Huang et al. (2024) On the magnetic field properties of protostellar envelopes in Orion

T-Tauri Sterne

A. Armeni et al. (2023) PENELLOPE V. The magnetospheric structure and the accretion variability of the classical T Tauri star HM Lup⋆PENELLOPE V. The magnetospheric structure and the accretion variability of the classical T Tauri star HM Lup⋆

T. L. Beck (2025) A Predicted Great Dimming of T Tauri: Has it Begun?

R. Bonito et al. (2023) Young stellar objects, accretion disks, and their variability with Rubin Observatory LSST

J. Bouvier et al. (2006) Magnetospheric Accretion in Classical T Tauri Stars

V. Brunn et al. (2024) Impacts of Energetic Particles from T Tauri Flares on Inner Protoplanetary Discs

J. -F. Donati et al. (2024) The classical T Tauri star CI Tau observed with SPIRou: magnetospheric accretion and planetary formation

J. - F. Donati et al. (2024) SPIRou observations of the young planet-hosting star PDS 70

S. H. Ezhikode et al. (2024) Serendipitous detection of an intense X-ray flare in the weak-line T Tauri star KM Ori with SRG/eROSITA

A. Filocomo et al. (2023) γ -ray detection from occasional flares in T Tauri stars of NGC 2071 – I. Observational connection

B. Finociety et al. (2023) The active weak-line T Tauri star LkCa 4 observed with SPIRou and TESS

B. Finociety et al, (2023) Monitoring the young planet host V1298 Tau with SPIRou: planetary system and evolving large-scale magnetic field

S. Georgiev et al. (2023) Surface magnetism in the pulsating RV Tauri star R Scuti

C. M. Johns–Krull (2007) The Magnetic Fields of Classical T Tauri Stars

S. J. Kenyon, M. Gomez, B. A. Whitney (2008) Low Mass Star Formation in the Taurus-Auriga Clouds

M. Micolta et al. (2023) The Ca II lines as tracers of disk structure in T Tauri Stars: The Chamaeleon I region

F. Pérez Paolino et al. (2024) Starspots as an Explanation for the Mysterious IYJ Continuum Excess Emission in Classical T Tauri Stars

C. Rogers, B. Brandl, G. de Marchi (2024) Kinematic evidence of magnetospheric accretion for Herbig Ae stars with JWST NIRSpec

A. Sarkar, L. Yungelson, C. A. Tout (2023) Towards a holistic magnetic braking model from the evolution of cataclysmic variables to stellar spin-down – I: the spin-down of fully convective M-dwarfs

A. Soulain et al. (2023) The GRAVITY Young Stellar Object survey? XI. Probing the inner disk and magnetospheric accretion region of CI Tau

S. -Y. Tang et al. (2024) Measuring the Spot Variability of T Tauri Stars Using Near-IR Atomic Fe and Molecular OH Lines

J. Vargas-González et al. (2023) A systematic survey of millimetre-wavelength flaring variability of Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Nebula Cluster

B. Zaire et al. (2024) Magnetic field, magnetospheric accretion and candidate planet of the young star GM Aurigae observed with SPIRou

Y. Xiang et al. (2023) Magnetic topologies of two weak-line T Tauri stars TAP 4 and TAP 40


 K. Scherer et al (2024) Modeling the astrosphere of LHS 1140 - On the differences of 3D (M)HD single- and multifluid simulations and the consequences for exoplanetary habitability

Dynamo Prozesse - Dynamo Processes

I. Rogachevskii, N. Kleeorin, A. Brandenburg (2025) Theory of the kinetic helicity effect on turbulent diffusion of magnetic and scalar fields

V. A. Skoutnev, A. M. Beloborodov (20249 Zones of Tayler Instability in Stars

FU Ori Sterne

A. S. Carvalho et al. (2024) An FUV-detected Accretion Shock at the Star-Disk Boundary of FU Ori

Nicht-ideale MHD

M. Kuffmeier (2024) Magnetohydrodynamical modeling of star-disk formation: from isolated spherical collapse towards incorporation of external dynamics

Junge Braune Zwerge

B. Riaz, D. Stamatellos, M. N. Machida (2023)  Observations of spiral and streamer on a candidate proto-brown dwarf Observations of spiral and streamer on a candidate proto-brown dwarf


M. Kounkel et al. (2023) Measurement of the angular momenta of pre-main-sequence stars: early evolution of slow and fast rotators and empirical constraints on spin-down torque mechanisms

N. R. Landin et al. (2024) The impact of disk-locking on convective turnover times of low-mass pre-main sequence and main sequence stars

P. H. Nogueira (2024, Dissertation) A mm and near-IR study of YSOs: from outbursting protostars to satellites

E. H. Semkov (2023) Pre-main sequence stars

Akkretion und Auswürfe junger Sterne

M. - T. Wang et al. (2023) The Accretion History of EX Lup: A Century of Bursts, Outbursts, and Quiescence

C. Xie et al. (2024) JWST captures a sudden stellar outburst and inner disk wall destruction

A. Zurlo et al. (2024) The environment around young eruptive stars. SPHERE/IRDIS polarimetric imaging of 7 protostars

Magnetische Sterne

J. D. Alvarado-Gómez et al. (2017) Far beyond the Sun: I. The beating magnetic heart in Horologium

E. M. Amazo-Gómez et al. (2023) Far beyond the Sun: II. Probing the stellar magnetism of the young Sun ι Horologii from the photosphere to its corona

D. M. Bowman, J,van Saders, J. S. Vink (2023) The Structure and Evolution of Stars: Introductory Remarks

J. Fuller, S. Mathis (2023) Linking the Interiors and Surfaces of Magnetic Stars

K. V. Getman et al. (2023) X-ray, Near-Ultraviolet, and Optical Flares Produced By Colliding Magnetospheres in The Young High-Eccentricity Binary DQ Tau

E. Isık et al. (2023) Scaling and Evolution of Stellar Magnetic Activity

J. B. Lovell et al. (2024) SMA Detection of an Extreme Millimeter Flare from the Young Class III Star HD 283572

R. Mazzei et al. (2023) Modeling CN Zeeman Effect Observations of the Envelopes of a Low-Mass Protostellar Disk and a Massive Protostar

K. Namekata et al. (2023) Multi-wavelength Campaign Observations of a Young Solar-type Star, EK Draconis I. Discovery of Prominence Eruptions Associated with Superflares

T. Ryu et al. (2024) Magnetic Field Amplification during Stellar Collisions between Low-Mass Stars


M. Padovani(2023) On the origin of cosmic-ray ionisation in star-forming regions


Kiwan Park (2024) Effect of Turbulent Kinetic Helicity on Diffusive \b{eta} effect for Large Scale Dynamo

Protostellare Dynamos und Magnetfelder

S. Biswas, R. Ganesh (2024) The Role of Helical and Non-Helical Drives on the evolution of Self-Consistent Dynamos

A. S. Brun, M. K. Browning (2017) Magnetism, dynamo action and the solar-stellar connection

C. Emeriau-Viard, A. S. Brun (2016) Dynamo action and magnetic activity during the pre-main sequence : Influence of rotation and structural changes

C. Emeriau-Viard, A. S. Brun (2017) Origin and Evolution of Magnetic Field in PMS Stars: Influence of Rotation and Structural Changes

C. M. Johns-Krull et al. (2009) First Magnetic Field Detection on a Class I Protostar

E. Kaufman et al. (2022) The Stability of Prendergast Magnetic Fields

M. N. Machida, S.- I. Inutsuka, T. Matsumoto (2007) Magnetic Fields and Rotations of Protostars

L. Petitdemange etal. (2023) Tayler-Spruit dynamos in simulated radiative stellar layers

E. Redaelli et al. (2019) Magnetic properties of the protostellar core IRAS 15398-3359

I. W. Stephens et al. (2013) The magnetic field morphology of the class 0 protostar L1157

T. F. Stepinski (1992) Generation of dynamo magnetic fields in the primordial solar nebula

V. Vashishth, B. B. Karak (2024) The role of meridional flow in the generation of solar/stellar magnetic fields and cycles

M. K. Verma, B. B. Karak, R. Kumar (2013) Dynamo in Protostars

Wurster, J., Bate, M. R,, Price, D. J. (2018) On the origin of magnetic fields in stars

Dynamos in Akkretionsscheiben

A. Mishra, G. Mamatsashvili, F. Stefani (2025) Strong and weak dynamo regimes in Taylor-Couette flows

Stellare Flares, CMEs

K. V. Getman et al. (2024) Multi-Observatory Research of Young Stellar Energetic Flares (MORYSEF): X-ray Flare Related Phenomena and Multi-epoch Behavior

K. M. Strickert , D. Evensberget, A. A. Vidotto (2024) High-latitude coronal mass ejections on the young solar-like star AB Dor

K. Vida et al. (2024) Stellar flares, superflares and coronal mass ejections -- entering the Big data era


B. A. L. Gaches et al. (2024) The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES) simulations. I. Impact of Protostellar Magnetic Fields on the Accretion Modes

Labormodellierung von MHD-Akkretionsscheiben

C. Gissinger (2024) Laboratory modeling of MHD accretion disks

Protostellare (~planetare) Akkretionsscheiben

Y. Aikawa, S. Okuzumi, K. Pontoppidan (2022) The physical and chemical processes in protoplanetary disks: constraints on the composition of comets

P. J. Armitage (2011) Dynamics of Protoplanetary Disks

J. Bae et al. (2022) Structured Distributions of Gas and Solids in Protoplanetary Disks

X.- N. Bai, J. M. Stone (2016) Hall-effect Mediated Magnetic Flux Transport in Protoplanetary Disks

S. A. Balbus (2009) Magnetohydrodynamics of Protostellar Disks

G. Bourdarot et al. (2023) FU Orionis disk outburst: evidence for a gravitational instability scenario triggered in a magnetically dead zone

C. R. Braiding, W. Wardle (2012) The Hall effect in accretion flows

V. Brunn et al. (2002) Ionisation of inner T Tauri star discs: effects of in-situ energetic particles produced by strong magnetic reconnection events

X. Cao, H. C. Spruit (2013) The large scale magnetic fields of thin accretion disks

J. Chambers (2024) Large Fluctuations within 1 AU in Protoplanetary Disks

B. Commerçon et al. (2024) Discs are born eccentric

C. Cui, Z. Wang (2024)Rossby wave instability in weakly ionized protoplanetary disks. II. radial B-fields

T. N. Delage et al. (2023) The impact of dust evolution on the dead zone outer edge in magnetized protoplanetary disks

T. V. Demidova, V. P. Grinin (2023) 3-D SPH simulations of the FUOR flares in the clumpy accretion model

H. Deng , L. Mayer, H. Latter (2020) Global Simulations of Self-gravitating Magnetized Protoplanetary Disks

N. Dzyurkevich et al. (2011) Magnetized Accretion and Dead Zones in Protoplanetary Disks

F. J. Encalada et al. (2024) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) XIII: Aligned Disks with Non-Settled Dust Around the Newly Resolved Class 0 Protobinary R CrA IRAS 32

M. Flock et al. (2015) Gaps, rings, and non-axisymmetric structures in protoplanetary disks - From simulations to ALMA observations

M. Flock et al. (2017) 3D Radiation Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamical Simulations of the Inner Rim in Protoplanetary Disks

A. Gaspar et al. (2023) Spatially resolved imaging of the inner Fomalhaut disk using JWST/MIRI

M. Gerin et al. (2017) Evidence for disks at an early stage in class 0 protostars?

R. E. Harrison et al. (2024) Protoplanetary Disk Polarization at Multiple Wavelengths: Are Dust Populations Diverse?

L. Hartmann, G. Herczeg, N. Calvet (2016) Accretion onto Pre-Main-Sequence Stars

J. F. Hawley (2001) Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Cylindrical Keplerian Disks

X. Hu et al. (2023) Gap Opening in Protoplanetary Disks: Gas Dynamics from Global Non-ideal MHD Simulations with Consistent Thermochemistry

K. Iwasaki et al. (2024) Dynamics Near the Inner Dead-Zone Edges in a Proprotoplanetary Disk

N. S. Kargaltseva (2022) Primary disks and their observational appearance in collapsing magnetic rotating protostellar clouds

N. S. Kargaltseva et al. (2022) Influence of the magnetic field on the formation of protostellar disks

S. Kaur et al. (2024) Variable, circularly polarized radio emission from the Young Stellar Object [BHB2007]-1: another ingredient of a unique system

E. P. Kurbatov, Y. N. Pavlyuchenkov (2023) The turbulent convection in protoplanetary disks and its role in the angular momentum transfer

I. de Langen, R. Tazaki (2023) Revealing magnetic field structure at the surfaces of protoplanetary disks via near-infrared circular polarization

C.- F. Lee et al. (2022) A Pseudodisk Threaded with a Toroidal and Pinched Poloidal Magnetic Field Morphology in the HH 211 Protostellar System

G. Lesur, M. W. Kunz, S. Fromang (2014) Thanatology in Protoplanetary Discs - The combined influence of Ohmic, Hall, and ambipolar diffusion on dead zones

G. Lesur et al. (2022) Hydro-, Magnetohydro-, and Dust-Gas Dynamics of Protoplanetary disks

E. M. Lynch, J. W. Dewberry (2023) Linear and nonlinear eccentric mode evolution in unstratified MHD discs

L. Matrà et al. (2025) REsolved ALMA and SMA Observations of Nearby Stars (REASONS): A population of 74 resolved planetesimal belts at millimetre wavelengths

Max Planck Society (2019) How to spin a disk around young protostars

I. V. Hinz (2008) Entwicklung Protostellarer und Protoplanetarer Akkretionsscheiben

A. Jafari (2019) Magnetic fields in accretion disks: a review

M. Joos, P. Hennebelle, A. Ciardi (2012) Protostellar disk formation and transport of angular momentum during magnetized core collapse

L. H.S. Kadowaki,  E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, T, E. Medina-Torrejón (2019) A statistical study of fast magnetic reconnection in turbulent accretion disks and jets

S. A. Khaibrakhmanov, A. E. Dudorov (2017) Magnetic field buoyancy in accretion disks of young stars

S. A. Khaibrakhmanov, A. E. Dudorov (2022) Dynamics of magnetized accretion disks of young stars

S. A. Khaibrakhmanov et al. (2022) Physical and Chemical Vertical Structure of Magnetostatic Accretion Disks of Young Stars

B. Lankhaar, W. Vlemmings, P. Bjerkeli (2021) Tracing the large-scale magnetic field morphology in protoplanetary disks using molecular line polarization

U. Lebreuilly et al. (2023) Synthetic populations of protoplanetary disks - Impact of magnetic fields and radiative transfer

Y.-N. Lee, S. Charnoz,P. Hennebelle (2021) Protoplanetary disk formation from the collapse of a prestellar core

Y. - N. Lee et al. (2024) Protoplanetary disk size under non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics: A general formalism with inclined magnetic field

G. R. J. Lesur (2020) Magnetohydrodynamics of protoplanetary discs

M. - K. Lin, C. - Y. Hsu (2022) Streaming Instabilities in Accreting and Magnetized Laminar Protoplanetary Disks

M. Liu et al. (2024) Can mid-infrared spectral energy distribution quantitatively trace protoplanetary disk evolution?

M. N. Machida, S. Basu (2025) Complex Structure around a Circumstellar Disk Caused by Interchange Instability

A. Maleware (2019) Early protostar already has a warped disk

J. M. Miley et al. (2024) High-resolution ALMA observations of compact discs in the wide-binary system Sz 65 and Sz 66

R. Mishra, M. Čemeljić,W. Kluźniak (2022) Accretion disc backflow in resistive MHD simulations

MPI für Astronomie (2020) Wie man ein Sternenbaby füttert - Gas erreicht junge Sterne entlang von Magnetfeldlinien

V. I. Pariev, E. G. Blackman1, S. A. Boldyrev (2003) Extending the Shakura-Sunyaev approach to a strongly magnetized accretion disc model

K. Pouilly et al. (2024) A multi-kiloGauss magnetic field driving the magnetospheric accretion process in EX Lupi

D. G. Rea et al. (2024) Magnetically Driven Turbulence in the Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks

A. Riols et al. (2021) Gravito-turbulence and dynamo in poorly ionized protostellar discs – I. Zero-net-flux case

D. Seifried et al. (2011)  Magnetic fields during early stages of massive star formation I: Accretion and disk evolution

N. I. Shakura, R. A. Sunyaev (1973) Black holes in binary systems. Observational appearance.

N. I. Shakura (2018) Ya. B. Zeldovich and foundation of the accretion theorythe accretion theory

N. I. Shakura et al. (2022) On the appearance of non-local MRI in Keplerian accretion discs

K. Tassis, T. C. Mouschovias (2004) Magnetically Controlled Spasmodic Accretion during Star Formation. I. Formulation of the Problem and Method of Solution

K. Tassis, T. C. Mouschovias (2005) Magnetically Controlled Spasmodic Accretion during Star Formation. II. Results

T. N. Tat et al. (2024) Evidence of grain alignment by magnetically enhanced radiative torques from multi-wavelength dust polarization modeling of HL Tau

M. Temmink et al. (2024) MINDS. The DR Tau disk I: combining JWST-MIRI data with high-resolution CO spectra to characterise the hot gas

Y. Tsukamoto et al. (2023) Co-evolution of dust grains and protoplanetary disks

Y. Tsukamoto (2024) Co-evolution of dust grains and protoplanetary disks II: structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks; an analytical approach

Y. Tu et al. (2023) Protostellar Disks Fed By Dense Collapsing Gravo-Magneto-Sheetlets

N. J Turner et al. (2014) Transport and Accretion in Planet-Forming Disks

M. Unno, T. Hanawa, S. Takasao (2023) Magnetohydrodynamic Model of Late Accretion onto a Protoplanetary Disk: Cloudlet Encounter Event

M. Vernet, S. Fauve, C. Gissinger (2022) Angular Momentum Transport by Keplerian Turbulence in Liquid Metals

M. J. C. Wilhelm et al. (2023) Radiation shielding of protoplanetary discs in young star-forming regions

N. L. Wallack et al. (2024)A Survey of Protoplanetary Disks Using the Keck/NIRC2 Vortex Coronagraph

W. Wang et a. (2022) Magnetic Spirals in Accretion Flows Originated from Misaligned Magnetic Fields

L. Wang et al. (2023) Non-ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks: Vertical Modes and Reflection Asymmetry

J. Wurster, Z. -Y. Li (2018) The role of magnetic fields in the formation of protostellar discs

J. Wurster (2020) Do we need non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to model protostellar discs?

J. Wurster, C. Rowan (2023) Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations I: Clump extraction and properties

J. Wurster, C. Rowan (2024) Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations II: Re-simulating isolated clumps to determine equivalence of extracted clumps and parent simulations

W. Xu, M. W. Kunz (2021) Formation and evolution of protostellar accretion discs. I. Angular-momentum budget, gravitational self-regulation, and numerical convergence

W. Xu, M. W. Kunz (2021) Formation and evolution of protostellar accretion discs. II. From 3D simulation to a simple semi-analytic model of Class 0/I discs

M. Yamaguchi et al. (2024)ALMA 2D Super-resolution Imaging of Taurus-Auriga Protoplanetary Disks: Probing Statistical Properties of Disk Substructures

H. - W. Yen, Y. - N. Lee (2024) Protostellar Disk Formation Regimes: Angular Momentum Conservation versus Magnetic Braking

T. Q. Yang, C. Federrath (2025) Protostellar disc structure and dynamics during star formation from cloud-scale initial conditions

F. Zagaria et al. (2023) Testing protoplanetary disc evolution with CO fluxes - A proof of concept in Lupus and Upper Sco

B. Zhao et al. (2020) Hall Effect in Protostellar Disc Formation and Evolution

B. Zhao et al. (2020) Formation and Evolution of Disks Around Young Stellar Objects

B. Zhao et al. (2023) The Interplay between Ambipolar Diffusion and Hall Effect on Magnetic Field Decoupling and Protostellar Disc Formation


R. Riaz et al. (2024)Turbulence and the characteristics of circumstellar discs

Magnetfeldmessungen und Orientierungen

T. Hackman et al. (2023) From convective stellar dynamo simulations to Zeeman-Doppler images

B. Lankhaar, R. Teague (2023) Three-dimensional magnetic field imaging of protoplanetary disks using Zeeman broadening and linear polarization observationsdisks using Zeeman broadening and linear polarization observations

P. Pavaskar, H. Yan, J. Cho (2023) Magnetic field measurement from the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method employed with Atomic Alignment

Coronae in Akkretionsscheiben

C. J. Bambic, E. Quataert, M. W. Kunz (2023) Local models of two-temperature accretion disc coronae. I. Structure, outflows, and energetics


Y. Fukuhara, S. Okuzumi (2024) A self-consistent model for dust settling and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks

H. Klahr (2024) Thermal baroclinic instabilities in accretion disks I: Combined dispersion relation for Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke Instability and Convective Overstability in disks around young stars


P. Woitke et al. (2024) CAI formation in the early Solar System

K. Zhang (2024) Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks

Pseudoscheiben, Scheiben, Protostellare Umhüllungen und Ausflüsse

S. Basu et al. (2024) Outflows Driven from a Magnetic Pseudodisk

M. Joos, P. Hennebelle, A. Ciardi (2012) Protostellar disk formation and transport of angular momentum during magnetized core collapse

C. - F. Lee et al. (2014) ALMA Results of the Pseudodisk, Rotating disk, and Jet in Continuum and HCO+ in the Protostellar System HH 212

S. Takakuwa et al. (2018) Possible Counterrotation between the Disk and Protostellar Envelope around the Class I Protostar IRAS 04169+2702

Protostellare Streamer

A. S. Hales et al. (2024) Discovery of an accretion streamer and a slow wide-angle outflow around FU Orionis

M. T. Valdivia-Mena et al. (2024) Probing the Physics of Star-Formation (ProPStar): II. The first systematic search for streamers toward protostars

Akkretionsscheiben Klasse II

V. - M.i Pelkonen et alo. (2024) Origin and Evolution of Angular Momentum of Class II Disks

Akkretionsscheiben Klasse Akkretionsscheibendynamos

M. C. Begelman (2024) A simple model of globally magnetized accretion discs

A. Brandenburg, B. von Rekowski (2004) Dynamos in accretion discs

S. A. Colgate, H.F. Beckley, J. C. Watherall (2002) A Liquid Sodium Simulation of the alpha-omega-Dynamo

S. A. Colgate et al. (2011) High Magnetic Shear Gain in a Liquid Sodium Stable Couette Flow Experiment: A Prelude to an alpha-omega-Dynamo

S. Dyda et al. (2018) Magnetic field amplification via protostellar disc dynamos

O. Gressel, M. E. Pessah (2022) Finite-time response of dynamo mean-field effects in magnetorotational turbulence

A. Jafari (2019) Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks: A Review

P. J. Käpylä, M. J. Korpi (2010) Magnetorotational instability driven dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl numbers

G. Lesur, G. I. Ogilvie (2008) Localized magnetorotational instability and its role in the accretion disc dynamoaccretion disc dynamo

L. Löhnert, A. G. Peeters (2022) Combined dynamo of gravitational and magneto-rotational instability in irradiated accretion discsinstability in irradiated accretion discs

G. Mattia, C. Fendt (2020) MHD accretion-ejection: jets launched by a non-isotropic accretion disk dynamo. I. Validation and application of selected dynamo tensorial components

G. Mattia, C. Fendt (2020) MHD accretion-ejection: jets launched by a non-isotropic accretion disk dynamo. II. A dynamo tensor defined by the disk Coriolis number

G. Mattia, C. Fendt (2022) Jets from accretion disk dynamos: consistent quenching modes for dynamo and resistivity

D. Moss, A. Shukurov (2004) Accretion disc dynamos opened up by external magnetic fields

B. von Rekowski, G. Rüdiger, D. Elstner (1999) Structure and magnetic configurations of accretion disk-dynamo models

B. von Rekowski et al. (2003) Structured outflow from a dynamo active accretion disc

M. Reyes-Ruiz, T. F. Stepinsk1 (1997) Accretion disc dynamos in the presence of a weak external magnetic field

M. Reyes-Ruiz, T. F. Stepinsk1 (1999) An alpha omega-dynamo in accretion disks with linear force-free coronae

A. Riols, H. Latter (2017) Magnetorotational instability and dynamo action in gravitoturbulent astrophysical discs

A. Riols, H. Latter (2019) Gravitoturbulent dynamos in astrophysical discs

D. Stepanovs, C. Fendt, S. Sheikhnezami (2014) Modelling MHD accretion-ejection - episodic ejections of jets triggered by a mean-field disk dynamo

U. Torkelson, A. Brandenburg (1994) Turbulent accretion disk dynamos

E. T. Vishniac (1998) Galactic and Accretion Disk Dynamos

H. Zhou (2023) Helical and nonhelical dynamos in thin accretion discs

Protostern-Akkretionsscheiben Wechselwirkung Accretion Funnel Flow

K. Monsch et al. (2023) Linking circumstellar disk lifetimes to the rotational evolution of low-mass stars

 M. M. Romanova et al. (2013) Warps, Bending and Density Waves Excited by Rotating Magnetized Stars: Results of Global 3D MHD Simulations

K. Singh et al. (2024) Accretion Funnel Reconfiguration during an Outburst in a Young Stellar Object: EX Lupi

Protostern-Akkretionsscheiben Wechselwirkung Flares

H. Washinoue, S. Takasao, K. Furuya (2024) Effect of time-varying X-ray emission from stellar flares on the ionization of protoplanetary disks

Akkretionsscheiben und Ausströmungen

R. Alexander et al. (2023) The distribution of accretion rates as a diagnostic of protoplanetary disc evolution

ALMA (2021) Discovery of Interaction between Jet and Disk Wind from a Star-Forming Accretion Disk

W. A. B., Tao AN (2024) Astrophysical Outflows Shaped by Ambient Pressure Gradients: a Unified Framework

S. Basu, M. Sharkawi, M. N. Machida (2024) Outflows Driven from a Magnetic Pseudodisk

S. Basu, X. Li, G. Bino (2024) Hourglass Magnetic Field of a Protostellar System

J. Bouvier et al. (2023) Stable accretion and episodic outflows in the young transition disk system GM Aurigae - A semester-long optical and near-infrared spectrophotometric monitoring campaign

M. Camenzind (1990) Magnetized Disk-Winds and the Origin of Bipolar Outflows

J. Cleaver, L. Hartmann, J. Bae (2023) Magnetically-activated accretion outbursts of pre-main sequence discs

O. Cohen et al. (2023) Three-dimensional, Time-dependent MHD Simulation of Disk-Magnetosphere-Stellar Wind Interaction in a T Tauri, Protoplanetary System

H. Deng, L. Mayer, H. Latter (2020) Global simulations of self-gravitating magnetized protoplanetary disks

Y. Duan et al. (2022) Discovery of a New Molecular Bubble-Outflow Structure in the Taurus B18 Cloud

C. C. Espaillat et al. (2021) Measuring the density structure of an accretion hot spot

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Young Stellar Objects in Star Forming Regions

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Das Drehimpuls-Problem

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Protostellare Winde, Jets und Scheibenwinde

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Jets Class I

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Stellar Wind Model

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Protoplanetare Scheiben

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Interagierende Protoplanetare Systeme

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Lücken, Ringe, Spiralen in Protoplanetaren Scheiben

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Akkretion, Scheibenwinde und Planetenentstehung

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Turbulenz Protoplanetare Scheiben

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Zerstreuung Protoplanetarer Scheiben

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Staub-, Eis-, Kieselstein-, Planetesimal- und Protoplanetenbildung

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J. M. Simon (2016) The Influence of Magnetic Field Geometry on the Formation of Close-In Exoplanets

C. Spalding (2018) The Primordial Solar Wind as a Sculptor of Terrestrial Planet Formation

L. M. Stapper et al. (2023) Constraining the gas mass of Herbig disks using CO isotopologuesConstraining the gas mass of Herbig disks using CO isotopologues

Swingburn University (2011) Planet Formation: Disk Formation and Evolution

R. Tazaki, C. Ginski, C. Dominik (2023) Fractal aggregates of sub-micron-sized grains in the young planet-forming disk around IM Lup

J. Teiser et al. (2025) The growth of super-large pre-planetary pebbles to an impact erosion limit

Y. Tsukamoto , M. N. Machida , S.- I. Inutsuka (2021) “Ashfall” Induced by Molecular Outflow in Protostar Evolution

Universe Today (2021) Magnetic Fields Help Shape the Formation of New Planets

University of Zurich (2021) A New Way of Forming Planets

E. I. Vorobyov et al. (2024) Primordial dust rings, hidden dust mass, and the first generation of planetesimals in gravitationally unstable protoplanetary disks

Mark Wardle (2007) Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary Disks

P. Weber et al. (2023) Spirals and Clumps in V960 Mon: Signs of Planet Formation via Gravitational Instability around an FU Ori Star?

Y. Wu et al. (2024) Planet Migration in Windy Discs

Y. Wu et al. (2023) Dust Dynamics in Hall-effected Protoplanetary Disks. I. Background Drift Hall Instability

G. Wurm (2018) Selective Aggregation Experiments on Planetesimal Formation and Mercury-Like Planets

G. Wurm, J. Teiser (2023) Understanding planet formation using microgravity experiments

H. Zhao et al. (2025) Planetesimal formation in a pressure bump induced by infall

Entstehung Massereicher Planeten - Formation of Giant Planets

A, N. Youdin, Z, Zhu (2025) Formation of Giant Planets

Strömungsinstabilität - Streaming Instability

K. W. Ho, H. Li, S.i Li (2024)Effects of Dust Coagulation on Streaming Instability

N. Kaufmann et al. (2025) From Streaming Instability to the Onset of Pebble Accretion I. Investigating the Growth Modes in Planetesimal Rings

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N. Magnan, T. Heinemann, H. N. Latter (2024) The physical mechanism of the streaming instability

A. Marret, A. Ciardi, R. Smets (2024) Interplay between the non-resonant streaming instability and self-generated pressure anisotropies

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U. Schäfer et al. (2024) Thousands of planetesimals: Simulating the streaming Instability in very large computational domains

U. Schäfer, A. Johansen, M. Flock (2025) The coexistence of the streaming instability and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks: Scale-dependence of dust diffusion

S. - C. Wang), M. - K. Lin (2024) Streaming instabilities in accreting protoplanetary disks: A parameter study


H. Palme, D. C. Hezel, D. S. Ebel (2023) The Origin of Chondrules: Constraints from Matrix-Chondrule Complementarity

Interstellar Ice

H. M. Cuppen, H. Linnartz, S. Ioppolo (2024) Laboratory and Computational Studies of Interstellar Ices

Zirkumplanetare Scheiben, Jets, Monde - Circumplanetary Disks, Jets, Monde

C. Fendt (2003) Magnetically driven outflows from Jovian circum-planetary accretion disks

Z. Fu, S. Huang, C. Yu (2024) Boundary Layers of Circumplanetary Disks around Spinning Planets II. Global Modes with Azimuthal Magnetic Fields

Y. I. Fujii et al. (2017) Orbital Evolution of Moons in Weakly Accreting Circumplanetary Disks

B. R Gordon et al. (2024) Exomoons of Circumbinary Planets

O. Gressel, R. P. Nelson, N. J. Turner (2013) Global hydromagnetic simulations of a planet embedded in a dead zone: Gap opening, gas accretion, and formation of a protoplanetary jet

L. Krapp et al. (2024) A thermodynamic criterion for the formation of Circumplanetary Disks

J. Li et al. (2024) Challenge of direct imaging of exoplanets within structures: disentangling real signal from point source from background light

N. Maeda et al. (2024) Delivery of Dust Particles from Protoplanetary Disks onto Circumplanetary Disks of Giant Planets

N. Oberg et al. (2022) Circumplanetary disk ices - I. Ice formation vs. viscous evolution and grain drift

A. Schneeberger, O. Mousis (2024) Impact of Jupiter's heating and self-shadowing on the Jovian circumplanetary disk structure

Y. Shibaike, S. Mori (2022) Effective dust growth in laminar circumplanetary discs with magnetic wind-driven accretion

Y. Shibaike, C. Mordasini (2024) Constraints on PDS 70 b and c from the dust continuum emission of the circumplanetary discs considering in situ dust evolution

A. G. Taylor, F. C. Adams (2024) Formation and Structure of Circumplanetary Disks and Envelopes during the Late Stages of Giant Planet Formation

A. G. Taylor, F. C. Adams (2024) Radiative Signatures of Circumplanetary Disks and Envelopes During the Late Stages of Giant Planet Formation

W. R. Ward, R. M. Canup (2010) Circumplanetary Disk Formation

Z. Zhu (2015) Accreting Circumplanetary Disks: Observational Signatures

Entstehung von Monden - Formation of Moons

U. Malamud, H. Perets (2024) Realistic outcomes of moon-moon collisions in Lunar formation theory

Migrationsbewegungen von Gasen und Staubpartikeln, Planetesimalen und Protoplaneten

A. Bans, A. Königl, A. Uribe (2015) Type I Planet Migration in a Magnetized Disk - II Effect of Vertical Angular Momentum Transport

G. H.-M. Bertrang, P. C. Cortés, M. Flock (2018) Magnetic fields in disks: A solution to an polarized ambiguity

R. O. Chametla et al. (2023) On wave interference in planet migration: dead zone torques modified by active zone forcing

M. L. Comins et al. (2016) The effects of a magnetic field on planetary migration in laminar and turbulent discs

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Q. Hou, C. Yu (2024) Streaming Torque in Dust-Gas Coupled Protoplanetary Disks

Y. - C. Hu et al. (2024) Multi-wavelength Study of Dust Emission in the Young Edge-on Protostellar Disk HH 212

C. P McNally et al. (2018) Low mass planet migration in Hall-affected disks

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I. Mendigutía et al. (2024) Gas, not dust: Migration of TESS/Gaia hot Jupiters possibly halted by the magnetospheres of protoplanetary disks

J. C. B. Papaloizou (2006) Disk-Planet Interactions During Planet Formation

J. Schulte et al. (2024) Migration and Evolution of giant ExoPlanets (MEEP) I: Nine Newly Confirmed Hot Jupiters from the TESS Mission

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A. Strugarek et al. (2017) The Fate of Close-in Planets: Tidal or Magnetic Migration?

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A. Uribe, A. Bans, A. Königl (2015) Type I Planet Migration in a Magnetized Disk - I Effect of Large-scale Vertical and Azimuthal Field Components

K. Wagner et al. (2023) Direct images and spectroscopy of a giant protoplanet driving spiral arms in MWC 758

T. Y. M. Yu, B. Hansen, Y. Hasegawa (2022) Halting Migration in Magnetospherically Sculpted Protoplanetary Disks

S. Zhang et al. (2023) Porous Dust Particles in Protoplanetary Disks: Application to the HL Tau Disk

T.-T. Zhou et al. (2022) Turbulent Transport of Dust Particles in Protostellar Disks: The Effect of Upstream Diffusion

Protoplanetare Dynamos

W. Dietrich et al. (2022) Magnetic induction processes in Hot Jupiters, application to KELT-9b

A. Elias-López et al. (2024) Planetary Dynamos in Evolving Cold Gas Giants

C. Maurel et al. (2021) A Long‐Lived Planetesimal Dynamo Powered by Core Crystallization

S. Xue, Y. Lin (2024) Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Effects on Zonal Flows in Giant Planets

J. Zhang, L. Rogers (2022) Thermal Evolution and magnetic history of rocky planets

Protoplanetare Scheiben Chemie

M. L. R. van 't Hoff, J. B. Bergner (2024) Protoplanetary disk chemistry and structure

J. - H. Jeong et al. (2024) ALMA Spectral Survey of An eruptive Young star, V883 Ori (ASSAY): II. Freshly Sublimated Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in the Keplerian Disk

Magnetische Exoplaneten

H. Beltz et al. (2023) Magnetic Effects and 3D Structure in Theoretical High-Resolution Transmission Spectra of Ultrahot Jupiters: the Case of WASP-76b

L. Ben-Jaffel et al. (2022) Signatures of Strong Magnetization and Metal-Poor Atmosphere for a Neptune-Size Exoplanet

A. Canet, A. I. Gómez De Castro (2023)  Large-scale structures in the stellar wind of fast-rotating stars spawned by the presence of Earth-like planets

S. Carolan et al, (2021) The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Observational Signatures of Atmospheric Escape in Exoplanets: Double Tail Structures

P. Driscoll, P. Olson (2011) Optimal dynamos in the cores of terrestrial exoplanets: Magnetic field generation and detectability

K. Kilmetis et al. (2024) Magnetic Field Evolution of Hot Exoplanets

B. Lewis (2023) Strange radio signals detected from Earth-like planet could be a magnetic field necessary for life

J. S. Pineda, J. Villadsen (2022) Coherent radio bursts from known M-dwarf planet-host YZ Ceti

A. A. Vidotto, M. Jardine, Ch. Helling (2010) Prospects for detection of exoplanet magnetic fields through bow-shock observations during transitsobservations during transits

X. Wei, D. N. C. Lin (2024) Magnetic field of gas giant exoplanets and its influence on the retention of their exomoons

V. V. Zaitsev et al. (2023) Effect of stellar wind on the efficiency of plasma radio emission from exoplanet HD189733b

Frühe Planetenentstehung

N. Ohashi et al. (2023) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results

A. Johansen et al. (2024) Self-oxidation of the atmospheres of rocky planets with implications for the origin of life

R. H. Jones (2024) Meteorites and Planet Formation

R. D. Kavanagh et al. (2024) Unravelling sub-stellar magnetospheres

M. Kido et al. (2023) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VII. Keplerian Disk, Disk Substructure, and Accretion Streamers in the Class 0 Protostar IRAS 16544-1604 in CB 68

Z.- Y. D. Lin et al. (2023) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). II. Limited Dust Settling and Prominent Snow Surfaces in the Edge-on Class I Disk IRAS 04302+2247

L. Rampinelli et al. (2024) ALMA high-resolution observations unveil planet formation shaping molecular emission in the PDS 70 disk

M. L. R. van 't Hoff et al. (2023) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) III: A first high-resolution view of sub-mm continuum and molecular line emission toward the Class 0 protostar L1527 IRS

A. Sierra et al. (2023) Hints of planet formation signatures in a large-cavity disk studied in the AGE-PRO ALMA Large Program

Y. Yamato et al. (2023) Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). IV. The Ringed and Warped Structure of the Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRSThe Ringed and Warped Structure of the Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS

T. E. Yap, K. Batygin (2024) Dust-Gas Coupling in Turbulence- and MHD Wind-Driven Protoplanetary Disks: Implications for Rocky Planet Formation



F. Bagheri, A. Garga, R. E. Lopez (2024) Exploring Radio Emissions from Confirmed Exoplanets Using SKA

D. A. Brain, M. M. Kao, J. G. O'Rourke (2024) Exoplanet Magnetic Fields

K. N. Ortiz Ceballos et al. (2024) A Volume-Limited Radio Search for Magnetic Activity in 140 Exoplanets with the Very Large Array

A. Strugarek et al. (2024) Ohmic heating in the upper atmosphere of hot exoplanets The influence of a time-varying magnetic field

Swastik et al. (2024) Age analysis of extrasolar planets: Insight from stellar isochrone models

A. Zurlo (2024) Direct imaging of exoplanets


A.. S. Atkinson, D. Alexander, A. O. Farrish (2024) Exploring the Effects of Stellar Magnetism on the Potential Habitability of Exoplanets

Magnetische Wechselwirkung zwischen Stern und Planeten

A. Astoul, A. J. Barker (2024) Interactions between tidal flows and magnetic fields in stellar/planetary convective envelopes

A. Astoul, A. J. Barker (2025) Interplay between tidal flows and magnetic fields in nonlinear simulations of stellar and planetary convective envelopes

F. Bagheri, R. E. Lopez, K. Pham (2024) A Fresh Look into the Interaction of Exoplanets Magnetosphere with Stellar Winds using MHD Simulations

H. Beltz et al. (2025) The Effects of Kinematic MHD on the Atmospheric Circulation of Eccentric Hot Jupiters

P. Benıtez-Llambay (2024) Planet-disk interaction and evolution

B. C. Bromley, S. J. Kenyon (2022) Magnetic interactions in orbital dynamics

A. Castro-González et al. (2024) Signs of magnetic star-planet interactions in HD 118203 - TESS detects stellar variability that matches the orbital period of a close-in eccentric Jupiter-sized companion

J. J. Chebly et al. (2023) Numerical quantification of the wind properties of cool main sequence stars

L. Corrales et al. (2023) The life cycle of stars and their planets from the high energy perspective

S. B. Das et al. (2019) Modeling Star–Planet Interactions in Far-out Planetary and Exoplanetary Systems

C. W. Fairbairn, R. R. Rafikov (2024) Eccentric planet-disc interactions: orbital migration and eccentricity evolution

T. S. J. Gabriel, S. Cambioni (2023) The Role of Giant Impacts in Planet Formation

A. Gillet, A. García Muñoz, A. Strugarek (2023) Self-consistent simulation of photoelectrons in exoplanet winds: Faster ionisation and weaker mass loss rates.

J. - M. Grießmeier (2006)  Aspects of the magnetosphere-stellar wind interaction of close-in extrasolar planets

S. Gupta, A. Basak, D. Nandy (2023) Impact of Changing Stellar and Planetary Magnetic Fields on (Exo)planetary Environments and Atmospheric Mass Loss

R. Hardy, P. Charbonneau, A. Cumming (2024) Hot Spot Offset Variability from Magnetohydrodynamical Thermoresistive Instability in Hot Jupiters

G. Hazra et al. (2024) Magnetic interaction of stellar coronal mass ejections with close-in exoplanets: implication on planetary mass loss and Ly-α transits

E. Ilin et al. (2023) Planetary perturbers: Flaring star-planet interactions in Kepler and TESS

R. D. Kavanagh, H. K. Vedantham (2023) Hunting for exoplanets via magnetic star-planet interactions: geometrical considerations for radio emission

Y. Lazovik (2023) Unraveling the evolution of hot Jupiter systems under the effect of tidal and magnetic interactions and mass loss

R. O. P. Loyd et al. (2023) Flares, Rotation, Activity Cycles and a Magnetic Star-Planet Interaction Hypothesis for the Far Ultraviolet Emission of GJ 436

T. Matsakos, A. Uribe. A. Königl (2015) Classification of magnetized star–planet interactions: bow shocks, tails, and inspiraling flows

D. Muley et al. (2024) Can gap-edge illumination excite spirals in protoplanetary disks? Three-temperature radiation hydrodynamics and NIR image modelling

P. Nazari, A. D. Sellek, G. P. Rosotti (2024) Hidden under a warm blanket: If planets existed in protostellar disks, they would hardly produce observable substructures

H. Nowacki et al. (2023) Star-disk interactions in the strongly accreting T Tauri Star S CrA N⋆

A. Paul, A. Strugarek, V. Réville (2025) On stellar hotspots due to star-planet magnetic interactions: How much power can actually be transmitted to the chromosphere?

L. Peña-Moñino et al. (2024) Searching for star-planet interactions in GJ 486 at radio wavelengths with the uGMRT

A. Presa, F. A. Driessen, A. A. Vidotto (2024) Atmospheric escape in hot Jupiters under sub-Alfv\'enic interactions

V. Réville et al. (2024) Magnetized winds of M-type stars and star-planet magnetic interactions: uncertainties and modeling strategy

H. Sanderson et al. (2022) Can scallop-shell stars trap dust in their magnetic fields?

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A. Strugarek (2021) Physics of star-planet magnetic interactions

C. Trigilio et al. (2023) Star-Planet Interaction at radio wavelengths in YZ Ceti: Inferring planetary magnetic field

H. Wu, Y.-ping Li (2025) Effects of Thermodynamics on the Concurrent Accretion and Migration of Gas Giants in Protoplanetary Disks

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

K. Assani et al. (2024) The Asymmetric Bipolar Fe II Jet and H2 Outflow of TMC1A Resolved with JWST's NIRSpec IFU

E. F. van Dishoeck, the MINDS team (2024) Probing the gas that builds planets: Results from the JWST MINDS program

M. L. van Gelder et al.(2024) JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS). Overview of gaseous molecular emission and absorption in low-mass protostars

J. D. Green (2024) Why are (almost) all the protostellar outflows aligned in Serpens Main?

N. Habel et al. (2024) Young Stellar Objects in NGC 346: A JWST NIRCam/MIRI Imaging Survey

T. Kaeufer et al. (2024) Bayesian Analysis of Molecular Emission and Dust Continuum of Protoplanetary Disks

A. B. Langeveld et al, (2024) The JWST/NIRISS Deep Spectroscopic Survey for Young Brown Dwarfs and Free-floating Planets

K. Lawson et al. (2024) JWST/NIRCam Detection of the Fomalhaut C Debris Disk in Scattered Light

B. Nisini et al. (2024) PROJECT-J: JWST observations of HH46~IRS and its outflow. Overview and first results

A. D. Sellek et al. (2024) Modeling JWST MIRI-MRS Observations of T Cha: Mid-IR Noble Gas Emission Tracing a Dense Disk Wind

R. Tazaki et al. (2024) JWST Imaging of Edge-on Protoplanetary Disks. IV. Mid-infrared Dust Scattering in the HH 30 disk

M. Villenave etb al. (2023) JWST imaging of edge-on protoplanetary disks II. Appearance of edge-on disks with a tilted inner region: case study of IRAS04302+2247


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M. S. Clement, E. V. Quintana, K. B. Stevenson (2024) On the local formation of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets

S. Huang, N. van der Marel, S. P. Zwart (2024) On the origin of transition disk cavities: Pebble-accreting protoplanets vs Super-Jupiters

C. Mordasini, R. Burn (2024) Planet formation -- observational constraints, physical processes, and compositional patterns

C. Ormel (2024) Planet Formation Mechanisms

Planetarer Ausfluss - Planetary Outflow

M. MacLeod et al (2024) Streams and Bubbles: Tidal Shaping of Planetary Outflows

Freischwebende Planeten

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E. L. Martín et al. (2024)Euclid: Early Release Observations – A glance at free-floating new-born planets in the σ Orionis cluster

Asteroiden Meteoriten Palemagnetismus

M. Formisano et al. (2016) A core dynamo in Vesta?

B. P. Weiss, X. - N. Bai, R. R. Fu (2021) History of the solar nebula from meteorite paleomagnetism

Eigenschaften des Sonnensystems

S. M. Lawler, R. E. Pike (2024) Small Bodies in the Distant Solar System

Theorien zur Entstehung sonnenähnlicher Planetensysteme, des Sonnensystems 

P. J. Armitage (2024) Planet formation theory: an overview

H. Alfven (1982) The Origin of the Solar System

E. Bianchi et al. (2024) Molecular complexity of young solar analogues

R. Bowens et al. (2023) Longterm Stability of Planetary Systems formed from a Transitional Disk

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M. S. Clement et al. (2024) Formation of Terrestrial Planets

S. Daley-Yates et al. (2023) Heating and cooling in stellar coronae: coronal rain on a young Sun

I. Dobbs-Dixon et al. (2023) The Impact of Circumplantary Jets on Transit Spectra and Timing Offsets for Hot-Jupiters

M. Eberlein, B. Bitsch, R. Helled (2024) Disk and atmosphere composition of multi-planet systems

A. Emsenhuber, C. Mordasini, R. Burn (2023) Planetary Population Synthesis and the Emergence of Four Classes of Planetary System Architectures

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A. J. Finley, A. S. Brun (2023) Accounting for differential rotation in calculations of the Sun’s angular momentum-loss rate

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T. Haugbølle et asl. (2019) Probing the Protosolar Disk Using Dust Filtering at Gaps in the Early Solar System

Y. Imaeda, T. Ebisuzaki (2016) United Theory of Planet Formation (I):Tandem Regime

Y. Imaeda, T. Ebisuzaki (2016) Tandem planet formation for solar system-like planetary systems

Y. Imaeda, T. Ebisuzaki (2016) Single planet formation regime in the high-ionization environment: Possible origin of hot Jupiters and super-Earths

A. Izidoro et al. (2021) The Effect of a Strong Pressure Bump in the Sun’s Natal Disk: Terrestrial Planet Formation via Planetesimal Accretion Rather than Pebble AccretionFormation via Planetesimal Accretion Rather than Pebble Accretion

P. Jenniskens et al. (2024) Properties of outer solar system pebbles during planetesimal formation from meteor observations

S. R. Kane (2023) The Dynamical Consequences of a Super-Earth in the Solar System

H. Klahr, T. Henning (2013) Planetenentstehung - Aus Staub geboren

E. van Kooten et al. (2024) The nucleosynthetic fingerprint of the outermost protoplanetary disk and early Solar System dynamics

Q. Kral et al. (2022) Stellar winds can affect gas dynamics in debris disks and create observable belt winds

U. von Kusserow (2013) Einfluss Kosmischer Magnetfelder in Protostellaren Systemen

U. von Kusserow (2013) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (1) Materie-Akkretion und der Transport des DrehimpulsesMaterie-Akkretion und der Transport des Drehimpulses

U. von Kusserow (2014) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (2) Dynamoprozesse und die Biermann-Batterie zur Erzeugung kosmischer MagnetfelderDynamoprozesse und die Biermann-Batterie zur Erzeugung kosmischer Magnetfelder

U. von Kusserow (2014) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (3) Staub-Koagulation und die Entstehung von PlanetesimalenStaub-Koagulation und die Entstehung von Planetesimalen

U. von Kusserow (2015) Über die Entstehung junger Sterne und Planeten (4) Exoplaneten und die frühe Entwicklung der PlanetensystemeExoplaneten und die frühe Entwicklung der Planetensysteme

T. C. H. Lau et al. (2024) Sequential giant planet formation initiated by disc substructure

H. Lesch (2017) Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems

P. S. Lykawka, T. Ito (2024) Formation of the four terrestrial planets in the Jupiter-Saturn chaotic excitation scenario: fundamental properties and water delivery

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H. Merkl (2019) The Secret of the Titius-Bode Law: A New Theory on How Our Planetary System Came Into Existence

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C. Zhong (2020) Formation and Change of Planetary Magnetic Field

C. Zucker et a. (2022) The Solar Neighborhood in the Age of Gaia

Grand Tack und Nizza Modell

A. J. Cridland (2024) Searching for the Grand Tack in Exoplanetary Data

Simultane Stern- und Planetenentstehung

F. O. Alves et al. (2020) A Case of Simultaneous Star and Planet Formation

E. Goch (2020)  Astronomers See a Newly Forming Planetary Disk That’s Continuing to Feed On Material from its Nebula

D. Turrini (2022) Exploring the link between star and planet formation eith Ariel

Planetare Atmosphären

E. Rauscher (2024) Building a Planet Atmosphere: Fundamental Physics and Chemistry

Entwicklung magnetischer Sterne im Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagramm

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C. Emeriau-Viard, A. S. Brun (2017) Origin and evolution of magnetic fields in PMS stars : influence of rotation and structural changes

L. Ferrario, A. Melatos, J. Zrake (2015) Magnetic Field Generation in Stars

S. G. Gregory (2012) Can we predict the global magnetic topology of a pre-main sequence star from its position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

M. Güdel (2007) The Sun in Time: Activity and Environment

H. Han et al. (2024) Revisiting the activity-rotation relation for evolved stars

M. Kunitomo et al. (2017) Revisiting the pre-main-sequence evolution of stars - I. Importance of accretion efficiency and deuterium abundance?

U. von Kusserow (2013) Magnetische Weisse Zwerge und ihre Planetarischen Nebel 

G. Mathys (2012) Magnetic Fields Across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

L. Mestel (2001) Magnetic Fields across the H-R Diagram

J. Morin (2013) Exploring the magnetic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with spectropolarimetry

Munich Institute for Astro-, Particle and BioPhysics ( conference 2023) Stellar Magnetic Fields from Protostars to Supernovae

M.Shultz et al. (2018) Magnetic Stars Observed by BRITE

M. Schüssler, S. Solanki (1992) Magnetic fields in the Herzsprung-Russell diagram

S. Wang et al. (2020) Stellar X-ray activity across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. I. Catalogs

B. Zaire et al. (2017) Magnetic field generation in PMS stars with and without radiative core

K. Zwintz, T. Steind (2022) The Pre-main Sequence: Challenges and Prospects for Asteroseismology

Vorhauptreihen Sterne

K. V. Getman et al. (2025) Multi-Observatory Study of Young Stellar Energetic Flares (MORYSEF): No Evidence For Abnormally Strong Stellar Magnetic Fields After Powerful X-ray Flares

Magnetische Sterne und ihrer Planeten

E. L. Brown et al. (2024) The variable magnetic field of V889 Her and the challenge of detecting exoplanets around young Suns using Gaussian process regression

J. - F. Donati et al. (2023) The magnetic field and multiple planets of the young dwarf AU Mic

V. N. Obridko et al. (2024) Is There a Synchronizing Influence of Planets on Solar and Stellar Cyclic Activity?

Magnetische Prozesse

Y.-N. Lee et al (2021) Universal Protoplanetary Disk Size under Complete Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics: The Interplay between Ion-neutral Friction, Hall Effect, and Ohmic Dissipation


L. Krapp et al. (2019) Streaming Instability for Particle-size Distributions

Ambipolare Diffusion

A. V. Phelps (1990) The Diffusion of Charged Particles in Collisional Plasmas: Free and Ambipolar Diffusion at Low and Moderate Pressures

Physik für alle! Ambipolare Diffusion

M. T. Power (2018) On the Theory of Ambipolar Diffusion, With Applications toAstrophysical Jets

E. G. Zweibel (2014) Ambipolar Diffusion

K. Wiesemann (1976) Ambipolare Diffusion, Diffusionsmoden


C. R. Braiding (2011) Star Formation and the Hall Effect

H. Fukuyama, H. Ebisawa, Y. Wada (1969) Theory of Hall Effect. I

B. Zhao et al. (2020) Hall effect in protostellar disc formation and evolution

Magnetischer Auftrieb

S. Hackstein Magnetic Buoyancy (Auftrieb)

S. A. Khaibrakhmanov, A. E. Dudorov (2017) Magnetic field buoyancy in accretion disks of young stars

U. v. Kusserow (2013) Magnetischer Auftrieb

J. B. Moss, T. S. Wood, P. J. Bushby (2022) Validity of sound-proof approximations for magnetic buoyancy

D. Tharakkal et al. (2022) Steady states of the Parker instability

U. Torkelsson (1993) Magnetic buoyancy in accretion disks

G. Vasil, N. H. Brummell (2008) Magnetic Buoyancy Instabilities of a Shear-generated Magnetic Layer

Magnetische Rekonnexion

R. Beg, A. J. B. Russell, G. Hornig (2022) Evolution, structure and topology of self-generated turbulent reconnection layers

A. H. Boozer (2022) Magnetic field evolution and reconnection in low resistivity plasmas

G. Hornig, E. R. Priest (2003) Evolution of magnetic flux in an isolated reconnecion process

G. Hornig (2004) Basics of 3D reconnection theory

G. Hornig (2004) Magnetic Reconnection: Basic Concepts I

H. Ji, J. Goodman (2022) Taylor-Couette flow for astrophysical purposes

U. v. Kusserow Schlagwort-Archive: Magnetische Rekonnexion

U. v. Kusserow (2018) Kosmische Dynamos und magnetische Rekonnexionsprozesse

U. v. Kusserow (2018) Kosmische Dynamos und magnetische Rekonnexionsprozesse (Teil 1)

U. v. Kusserow (2018) Kosmische Dynamos und magnetische Rekonnexionsprozesse (Teil 2)

F. Pucci et al. (2024) Applications of Fast Magnetic Reconnection Models to the Atmospheres of the Sun and Protoplanetary Disks

E. R. Priest, D. I. Pontin (2004) Magnetic Reconnection

Y. Tu et al. (2024) YSO Jets Magnetocentrifugally Driven by Reconnecting Atmospheric Avalanche Accret YSO Jets Magnetocentrifugally Driven by Reconnecting Atmospheric Avalanche Accret


S. A. Balbus, J. F. Hawlwey (1991) A Powerful Local Shear Instability in Weakly Magnetized Disks. I. Linear Analysis

S. A. Balbus, J. F. Hawlwey (1991) A Powerful Local Shear Instability in Weakly Magnetized Disks. II. Nonlinear Evolution

S. A. Balbus (2003) Enhanced Angular Momentum Transport in Accretion Disks

S. A. Balbus (2009) Magnetorotational instability

E. Devlen, A. Ulubay, E. R. Pekünlü (2020) Magnetorotational Instability in Diamagnetic, Misaligned Protostellar DiscsProtostellar Discs

D. M. H. Hung et al. (2018) Experimental Confirmation of the Standard Magnetorotational Instability Mechanism with a Spring-Mass Analogue

U. von Kusserow (2014) Kosmische Laborexperimente (Teil 2)

A. Mishra et al. (2024) One-winged butterflies: mode selection for azimuthal magnetorotational instability by thermal convection

A. Sandoval et al. (2023) Particle-in-cell Simulations of the Magnetorotational Instability in Stratified Shearing BoxesParticle-in-cell Simulations of the Magnetorotational Instability in Stratified Shearing Boxes

A. Secunda et al. (2023) Instability in a Swirling Partially Ionized Gas

R. Wissing et al. (2022) Magnetorotational instability with smoothed particle hydrodynamics

Ohmscher Widerstand



B. Albertazzi et al. (2014) Laboratory formation of a scaled protostellar jet by coaligned poloidal magnetic field

D. M. H. Hung et al. (2019) Experimental confirmation of the standard magnetorotational instability mechanism with a spring-mass analogue

HZDR (2018) Magnetorotationsinstabilität (PROMISE Experiment)

G. Lesur (2022) Liquid Metal Experiment Mimics Accretion Disks

G. Revet et al. (2019) Laser experiment for the study of accretion dynamics of Young Stellar Objects: design and scaling

D. Sisan et al. (2004) Experimental Observation and Characterization of the Magnetorotational Instability

F. Suzuki-Vidal et al. (2010) Experimental Studies of Magnetically Driven Plasma Jets

V. Valenzuela-Villaseca et al. (2024) Structure and Dynamics of Magneto-Inertial, Differentially Rotating Laboratory Plasmas



Z. Zhu (2025) Global 3-D Simulations of Magnetospheric Accretion: II. Hot Spots, Equilibrium Torque, Episodic Wind, and Midplane Outflow

Junge massereichere protostellare (auch Doppelstern-) Systeme

E. Alecian et al. (2017) Fossil magnetic fields in intermediate-mass and massive stars

J. Bally (2024) Jets, Outflows, and Explosions in Massive Star Formation

R. Cesaroni et al. (2024) Dissecting the disk and the jet of a massive (proto)star. An ALMA view of IRAS20126+4104

J. Méndez-Gallego et al. (2025) Exploring the capability of the HH 80-81 protostellar jet to accelerate relativistic particles

R. P. Ratnasingam et al. (2024) On the Geometry of the Near-Core Magnetic Field in Massive Stars

A. Rodríguez-Kamenetzky et al. (2025) Helical Magnetic Field in a Massive Protostellar Jet

D. R. G. Schleicher, J. P. Hidalgo, D. Galli (2023) Survival of fossil fields during the pre-main sequence evolution of intermediate-mass stars

L. Tychoniec et al. (2024) JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS) - Linked accretion and ejection in a Class I protobinary system

 N. Villarroel-Sepúlveda, F. A. Asenjo, P. S. Moya (2024) Magnetic seed generation by plasma heat flux in accretion disks

Hauptreihen- und Nachhauptreihenentwicklung

A. Bressan, K. G. Shepherd (2024) Evolution and final fates of low- and intermediate-mass stars

P. J. Käpylä et al. (2023) Simulations of solar and stellar dynamos and their theoretical interpretation

 A. R. G. Santos et al. (2024) Kepler main-sequence solar-like stars: surface rotation and magnetic-activity evolution


Historisches zur Erkenntnisgewinnung

H. Alfven (1981) Origin of the Solar System

A. R. Choudhuri (2024) “Gene”: A personal tribute to the Life and Science of Eugene Newman Parker

Collegedunia () Nebular Hypothesis of Laplace - Geography Notes

C. I. O. Nichols (2021) Using Meteorite Magnetism to Understand the History of Our Solar System: A Decade of Progress and Upcoming Challenges

E. Swedenborg (1734) Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There

R. C. Smith, N. Weiss (2021) Leon Mestel. 5 August 1927 - 15 September 2017

S. R.Taylor () Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective A Brief History

F. L. Whipple (1964) The History of the Solar System

Wikipedia (2022) History of Solar System formation and evolution hypothesis





J. M. Gaßner (2022) Protosterne, Hayashi-Linie. Kelvin-Helmholtz, Hertzsprung-Russell, Freifallzeit

M.Guenther (2021) Wie Sterne entstehen, und wie wir das wissen

R. Kayser (2018) Pfannkuchen statt Nadel

M. Krumholz (2013) Formation of molecular clouds and global conditions for star formation

P.. Marchand (2021) The Role of Magnetic Fields in Star Formation

S. S. Mathew, C. Federrath (2021) The IMF and multiplicity of stars from gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, radiation and outflow feedback

SkyTechDaily (2022)  Role of Magnetic Fields in Decelerating the Formation of Massive Stars

STARFORGE Star Formation in Gaseous Environments

M. Starr (2021) This Jaw-Dropping Simulation Gives Us Our Best Look Yet at Baby Stars Being Born

V. Tu (2024) Dynamics of Star Formation on Different Scales: Envelopes, Multiples, Disks & Jets

Protoplanetare Magnetische Akkretionsscheiben - Zirkumplanetare Scheiben

X. Bai (2021) Magnetism in planet-forming disks and the solar nebula

C. Cui (2020) Magnetically-induced Substructures in Outer Protoplanetary Disks

H. Deng, L.Mayer, H.Latter (2020) Simultaneous simulation of gravitation and magnetism of a protoplanetary disk

M. Flock (2016) Magnetic Accretion Disk Movies

A. Guseva (2021) Nonlinear dynamos: a data-driven approach

L. Hartmann (2018) Protostellar Infall and Protoplanetary Disk Accretion: Consequences for Disk Structure

A. J. Mustill et al. (2024) The formation of transiting circumplanetary debris discs from the disruption of satellite systems during planet–planet scattering

ScienceNote (2022) Protoplanetary disks

Magnetisierte Winde und Jets

K. Kaii (2008) CITA 50: Large-scale 3D Simulations of Protostellar Jets: Constraining the Disk Wind Model

C. Fendt (2022)  Accretion Disk Dynamo and Jet simulations

I. Gerrar, C. Federrath, R. Kuruwita (2019) The role of initial magnetic field structure in the launching of protostellar jets

G. Lesur, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (2020) Dynamics of planet-forming discs : the role of magnetised winds

Entstehung von Planeten

P. Armitage (2023) What we don’t know about planet formation

L. Buchhave, University of Copenhagen (2013) Formation of Planets in a Protoplanetary Disk

F. Cain First Ever Picture of a Baby Planet!

J. Favre (2021) A new way of forming planets

R. Fiorfellino (2023) The evolution of the accretion process: protostellar phase to constraints planet formationThe evolution of the accretion process: protostellar phase to constraints planet formation

NASASpaceNews A Groundbreaking Survey! Unveiling the Secrets of Planet Formation

Universe Today (2021) Magnetic Fields Help Shape the Formation of New Planets

A.Tomaswick (2024) Euclid is finding free floating planets in Orion, too

University of Zurich (2021) A New Way of Forming Planets

Magnetische Planeten

Cosmoknowledge (2021) We Just Detected The Magnetic Field Of An Exoplanet

F. Elekes, J. Saur (2013) Space environment and magnetospheric Poynting fluxes of the exoplanet τ Boötis b

D. Stevenson (2013) Magnetic Fields in Solar System Planets

Entstehung des Sonnensystems

E. Bergin et al. (2023) Interstellar Heritage and the Birth Environment of the Solar System

J. Chambers (2022) Making the Solar System

H. Klahr, T. Henning (2013) Planetenentstehung - Aus Staub geboren

H. Lesch (2017) Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems

E. Lee (2023) Theories of Planet Formation

W. R. Spencer (2018) The Proposed Origin of Our Solar System with Planet Migration

E. Willerding (2017) Die Entstehung von Planetensystemen - Fakten, Theorien und Spekulationen

Magnetische Prozesse

P. Driscoll () Planetary Magnetic Fields (2022): Habitability, Generation, and Detectability

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (2017) Wie Magnetfelder bei der Entstehung von Sternen mitmischen

R. Hollerbach (2020) Magnetorotational Instabilities in Cylindrical Taylor-Couette Flows

S. Stanley (2023) Planetary Magnetic Fields

O. Zier, V. Springel, A. C. Mayer (2023) Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics on a moving mesh I: Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion


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